Huntington Beach Waitress Accused of Dealing Cocaine at Work

The L.A. times reported that a waitress at a Killarney’s Pub & Grill in Downtown Huntington Beach is accused of selling cocaine to patrons while working her normal shift. After a six month investigation, Huntington Beach Police arrested the waitress and an accomplice who, police say, helped the waitress obtain the drugs she would later […]

What a police officer is thinking before a DUI arrest. 1 of 3

An officer is trained to take notes during the evidence gathering stage. However sometimes an officer will make a mental summary of the evidence collected during 1) vehicle in motion stage, 2) personal contact stage, and 3) pre arrest screening. The amount of information an officer has to record is overwhelming. An officer is specially trained to look […]

California Aviation Law

New to the flock is California Aviation Lawyer T. Gabe Houston. Houston will be posting articles on aviation law, criminal law, DUI law, and police misconduct and you can find his firm website here.

Flock on the move

Flock of legals contributor Matthew J Cohen has joined the Perlman Law Group.     The high powered LA criminal law firm operates from it’s office on Sunset Blvd in Hollywood, California.   The firm was founded by former Maryland State Attorney Prosecutor Daniel R Perlman and now includes Matthew J Cohen and Chad Calabria.  Matthew is still available for […]

The End With Extended Traffic School

The statute that once allowed for 12-hour (extended) traffic school within 18-months of completing 8-hour traffic school will expire as of July 1, 2011. This means that drivers will no longer be eligible for traffic school once they have completed the 8-hour course within 18-months. Drivers granted 12-hour traffic school before July 1, 2011 must […]

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Law Offices of Mark A. Gallagher

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