Red Light Camera Tickets in Los Angeles

red light camera ticket

Red Light Camera Tickets Background Did you get a red light camera ticket in the mail in Los Angeles? On Monday July 25th, 2011, Los Angeles city officials admitted that it’s safe to ignore them. Monday’s three hour city council meeting was full of contention but everyone seemed to agree that nothing happens if you […]

Carmageddon 405 Shutdown

40509.5 hold lawyer Mark A. Gallagher

Carmageddon is here. In less than 12 hours LA traffic is about to come to a stop. The 405 freeway will be closed starting tonight at 9PM between the 10 freeway and highway 101. The shutdown is scheduled to end on Monday morning at 5AM, but time will tell if that is fact or fiction. […]

Telephone line lets you record your encounter with law enforcement.

Cop recorder is a program on the Iphone and the Android which lets you record your encounter with law enforcement.  DUI Checkpoints in California has become hostile and very aggressive. However, citizens are now taking a stand with the Openwatch App. This app has allowed me to uncover bullying tactics at a Garden Grove DUI checkpoint, this […]

Garden Grove Vietnamese Woman cut/sliced off husband’s penis

A Garden Grove woman cut off her husband’s penis after she found out he was cheating on her.  Despite her husband’s Infidelity, the punishment may have been a little harsh. Especially putting it in the garbage disposal afterwards.  Why not just move out and take his gold club? I don’t care where you come from, nobody […]

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Law Offices of Mark A. Gallagher

Whether it’s a DUI, domestic violence, suspended license, traffic tickets, or any other criminal matter, the Law Offices of Mark A. Gallagher can help. Schedule your FREE consultation below or call us at 800-797-8406. For more information, visit