flock of legals

2012 Laws for Landlords and Tenants

Well, we have about a week left in 2011, time that maybe you as a landlord or tenant can use to get acquainted with what is coming in 2012. Tenants Smoking Ban: Beginning January 1, 2012, a residential landlord can prohibit the smoking of cigarettes and other tobacco products on the property, including any dwelling […]

Helpful DUI Tips from a California Lawyer

After being released from an embarrassing and frightening journey through the DUI arrest process you need to be prepared to take IMMEDIATE action. Being aware of the steps to take as soon as you are released from jail will ensure that your rights are upheld you can beat the DUI charge. IMMEDIATE ACTION is necessary; […]

What to do if you got a ticket in California for driving over 100 mph.

If you got a ticket in California for speeding over 100 mph, you face greater consequences than if you were speeding at a rate under 100.  For starters, the judge can suspend your license for up to 30 days!  It’s not a mandatory suspension, but the judge has the discretion to do so.  He can […]

Rising Blood Alcohol Defense California DUI

Orange County DUI Lawyer

Clients often think that if they test at a certain level on a DUI the case is over. Often a friend, a pseudo lawyer will advise them it is no use fighting a case if you are over the limit. This is far from the truth. What matters most in a DUI case is the […]

Taxation by Citation California Traffic Courts

This submission is a guest post from John Brennan.  He is a non-lawyer, at least we think he is a non-lawyer and according to his profile, he is a freelance writer living in Mexico.   As always, taking a step back generates amazing perspective and it sure seems to us like he got this one […]

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Law Offices of Mark A. Gallagher

Whether it’s a DUI, domestic violence, suspended license, traffic tickets, or any other criminal matter, the Law Offices of Mark A. Gallagher can help. Schedule your FREE consultation below or call us at 800-797-8406. For more information, visit  www.socaldefenselawyers.com