flock of legals

Family Code 3044

Family Code 3044 outlines the court’s power to not allow visitation to a parent who has been convicted of domestic violence. Rebuttable Presumption A presumption in basically an assumption that the court makes before hearing evidence. In simple terms, if you have a domestic violence conviction, the court is already going to assume that you […]

What is an IEP Plan? An Introduction

What is an IEP Plan? An IEP stands for Individualized Education Plan for children who have disabilities. This is a plan that is a contract between the family and the school district that outlines what the child is expected to learn while at the current school. Any child who has a disability is eligible for […]

Who Can Serve a Restraining Order?

Who Can Serve a Restraining Order? Anybody can serve a restraining order as long as it is not the person who filed for it. If you filed for a restraining order you must get somebody other than yourself to serve it, period. Typically people either get two types of servers to serve the restraining order: […]

Family Court Mediation

Family Court Mediation If you’re in an ongoing child custody case in court, chances are that you have been ordered to go to mandatory mediation. What exactly is it and what should you expect? Basics Family court mediation is an attempt to settle your case by a court appointed mediator. You get an appointment to […]

3 Common Mistakes in Filing a Domestic Violence Restraining Order

What do I Need to put a Restraining Order on Someone Restraining orders are court orders that prevent an individual from communicating, harassing, or coming near you. In normal circumstances, if someone you fear comes near you but does not threaten or hit you, the police can’t do anything about it. If, however, you have […]

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Law Offices of Mark A. Gallagher

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