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Bellflower Courthouse Los Angeles

Bellflower Courthouse Los Angeles

About Bellflower Courthouse

The Bellflower Courthouse or Los Angeles Superior Court in Bellflower, California is located at 10025 East Flower Street, Bellflower, CA 90706. This courthouse handles DUI, criminal and traffic matters for arrests made in Bellflower, CA and the surrounding cities. Bellflower is part of the Southeast District and felony matters that are held to answer will be sent to Norwalk for the filing of an information. The Bellflower Courthouse is located just North of the 91 freeway in downtown Bellflower. If you have never been there, downtown Bellflower feels like a complete time warp. The main street shops don’t seem to have changed at all since 1950 and sometimes you feel like you made a wrong turn into Mayberry.

Parking at Bellflower Courthouse

Free parking is available all along Flower Street as well as the surrounding residential area. Paid parking is available at a structure near the court but not necessary due to the plentiful free parking in the surrounding residential area.

Additional Information About Bellflower Courthouse

Bellflower traffic court is heard in Department 1 and can get extremely crowded. The line for the traffic clerks window is often more than a one hour wait. The Bellflower courthouse has a unique local policy of allowing people with multiple failures to appear to see a judge on a same day basis but only on Wednesdays and Fridays and only to the first 5-10 people in line on a first come first serve basis.   This creates a “race to the clerk” scenario where people literally arrive at the courthouse as early as 7AM to be the first in line.  Once the doors open you will see people literally running to the traffic clerk’s window in an effort to get that elusive same day appearance.   If you are one of the lucky ones, your case will be heard by about 10AM on the same day.  After the appearance it’s back to the line so even if you are successful at getting added on to the daily calendar, you are looking at a time commitment of at least 4-5 hours to take care of your court appearance.

The reason people are willing to get up at 5AM and wait in line to get into traffic court like it’s Best Buy on Black Friday is that they are trying to have holds released from their drivers license without paying GC Services.  If you find yourself in a suspended license situation and you would like to get it cleared as cheaply and efficiently as possible while minimizing the damage to your traffic record and potentially your criminal record, you should contact an experienced LA traffic attorney.

Law Offices of Mark A. Gallagher

Whether it’s a DUI, domestic violence, suspended license, traffic tickets, or any other criminal matter, the Law Offices of Mark A. Gallagher can help. Schedule your FREE consultation below or call us at 800-797-8406. For more information, visit

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Law Offices of Mark A. Gallagher

Whether it’s a DUI, domestic violence, suspended license, traffic tickets, or any other criminal matter, the Law Offices of Mark A. Gallagher can help. Schedule your FREE consultation below or call us at 800-797-8406. For more information, visit

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