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Lamoreaux Justice Center

Lamoreaux Justice Center

Lamoreaux Justice Center


The Lamoreaux Justice Center in Orange County California is located at 341 The City Drive in Orange, CA. This court handles juvenile law matters which include delinquency cases under WIC 602 and dependency cases under WIC 300. Lamoreaux Justice Center also handles a busy family law calendar, probate, and guardianships.

Entry into the courthouse requires passing through full security and the metal detectors here are VERY sensitive. Be prepared to throw away anything that you couldn’t take on an airplane or carry it back to your car. The line in the morning for the 8:30 calendar call can be as long as 30 minutes so get here early if you have a court appearance. If you are just visiting the clerk’s office, it’s probably best to come in the afternoon to beat the rush.


Free parking is not available at this court. Paid parking is available in the garage next to the courthouse although this lot does fill up on busy days.

Additional Information

The complex where the courthouse is located also includes the Manchester Office Building (MOB) to the left which is largely occupied by the Orange County Probation Department. MOB is also home to Bella’s Kitchen which is a good place to grab a cup of coffee or a bite to eat. Another dining option at Lamoreaux Justice Center is the cafeteria of neighboring UCI which is open to the public.

Also, in the same complex is Orange County Juvenile Hall. A little further down the road is Theo Lacy, one of the Orange County Jails run by the Orange County Sheriff’s Department. Anyone facing a trip to Lamoreaux Justice Center would be wise to contact a lawyer experienced in this courthouse. For juvenile matters you will need an experienced Orange County Juvenile Lawyer. For family court matters you will need an attorney familiar with the details of the family code.

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