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Charged with a DUI, What are the Travel Implications?

Charged with a DUI, What are the Travel Implications?

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Attorney Christopher J McCannIf You have a DUI can You go to Canada?

DUI (Driving under the Influence of drugs or alcohol) is a very serious offense in the United States and in other parts of the world. This is because if you are Driving Under the Influence of drugs or alcohol (which will be referred to as DUI from this point onwards), you are a danger not only to yourself but to a lot of other innocent people as well, and thus we can see the reasons for the existence of laws that try to prevent people from DUI.

There are travel implications however. As the article at that link suggests, the best thing for you to do would be to contact your DUI attorney and ask them, as they would have the most up to date and relevant information that would be relevant to your situation.

If you have DUI, can you go to Canada?

The answer to this question is slightly complicated! There are some things you must consider.

First and foremost will your trip to Canada interfere with your DUI court hearing? Normally, when issued with a DUI, there are certain protocols and procedures you must follow. DUI Police Stop is very useful in describing some of these, but what you must realize is that missing your hearing can have very serious consequences and you could be arrested for it. Bottom line is, do not miss your hearing, especially if your presence was requested by the judge.

The consequences of the DUI you have been charged with largely depend on what state you were in when you were issued with the DUI. Different States have different laws that govern the DUI offence and some States are much stricter in their methods of dealing with it. If you are in the same situation as the first two items for consideration, you should reconsider going to Canada.

Like many other States, Canada itself has laws on drinking and driving, so it would be advisable that you steer clear: do not drink and drive while you are in Canada especially if you have already been charged with a DUI in a different State.

Having said that, Canada has very strict DUI laws and has been known to bar American’s who carry the offense from entering the country! Although this is not the case for Canadian’s entering America, Crossing the Canadian Border with a DUI for American’s is not easy! Even if the offense is over 14 years old!

Therefore, to avoid any inconveniences, if you are not a Canadian citizen, as brutal as it may seem, the best thing for you would be to chart your course elsewhere, as Canada has very strict laws against DUI offenders because your DUI conviction will keep you out of Canada, regardless of whether it was a case of minor misdemeanor!

If you find yourself in such a situation or have any further questions about the travel implications you might have, feel free to contact us. All the contact information you need can be found here.

About Guest Post Author:

If you need help on your DUI case and traveling to Canada, you can contact Christopher J McCann who is a DUI attorney in California. Check out his website to connect with him or you can follow him on Twitter at @CJM_Law_Firm. Check out Christopher J McCann on Linkedin.

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