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What to Consider When Choosing A Criminal Defense Lawyer in Southern California

What to Consider When Choosing A Criminal Defense Lawyer in Southern California

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Attorney Christopher J McCannGuest Post on Four Factors When Choosing A Criminal Defense Lawyer in Southern California

The state of Southern California boasts of having some of the world’s best and experienced criminal lawyers. This may be partly due to its proximity to Los Angeles and greater San Diego. In 2010 alone, Los Angeles reported 293 homicides. Other common criminal cases in this region include endless riots, drugs and narcotics, fraud, theft, sex and federal crimes.

The following are four factors one should consider when choosing criminal defense lawyers Southern California:

Years of experience:

Choose lawyers with a vast experience in defending clients against criminal charges. Most of the newly graduated lawyers are okay too although the veterans tend to do well in high profile cases.


If you were to hire a criminal attorney who has a record of failure chances are you may end up losing the court battle. Lawyers whose reputation in court precedes them are highly likely to win. Go for lawyers who believe in aggressively and tenaciously defending their clients even before the cases reach the courtroom. Settlement is always a good way of winning a case and for lawyers with a good reputation this is usually a good way of keeping up with a clean sheet.

Type of criminal case:

There are various kinds of criminal defense lawyers Southern California. There are criminal lawyers who are good at handling federal crimes while others are experts in embezzlement cases, homicides or murder. Go for an attorney who has expertise matching your case.


When looking for criminal defense lawyers South California, you should determine the legal fees charged by your potential attorney. While some lawyers may be affordable, some may be way out of your financial reach due to the quality of service they offer or their reputation. The internet is usually the best way to compare the services and rates of law firms.

You could also seek for recommendations from friends and relatives who have hired legal representation in the past.

Guest Post Author: 

Christopher J. McCann is a Criminal Defense Attorney in Orange County. Mr. McCann is a practicing OC Criminal Lawyer at the law offices of Christopher J. McCann. He can also personally provide a consultation for Free California DUI Help to review your criminal arrest. You can follow Chris tweets at @cjm_law_firm

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