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What do you do for community service for court

What do you do for community service for court

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Attorney Christopher J McCannLearn what do you do for community service for court

The court is sometimes considerate enough to give less severe ruling to victims of petty crimes. In most circumstances, the court requests such victims to do community service. It can specify the kind of community service to be done or not. If it fails to specify, then the victim has to come up with a list of ideas on what she/he can do for the community. The following are some of the services that can be done for the community.

Clearing bushes

Clearing bushes can greatly help the community in controlling Malaria. Malaria is a very deadly disease that accounts for a lot of deaths in the community. Clearing the bushes can therefore reduce the mosquitoes which are responsible for the spread of malaria.

Draining Stagnant Water

Stagnant water is a breeding environment for mosquitoes; draining it can greatly help to reduce mosquitoes and thereby reduce cases of malaria in the community.

Filling Potholes on Roads

Filling potholes on the roads can help to minimize the number of accidents occurring on the roads. This may also help to reduce the number of deaths that result from accidents.

Cleaning the Environment

Cleaning the environment may also help to improve the health of community members. This involves sweeping the city and picking litter, emptying filled up composite pits, washing hospital halls, unblocking sewerage passages and improving on the sanitation of market places. This can help to decrease health complications among community members.

Weeding and Watering Flowers

Weeding and watering flowers at hospitals, schools, courts and other institutions can help in beautifying the environment.

Planting Trees

Trees play a major role in hydrological cycle and ensure that there is enough water for use by the community. Trees also protect the soil against erosion and degradation as well as serving as a habitat for certain birds and animals. This promotes diversity in nature and can even attract tourist who can contribute in the revenue of the community.
There are many other unmentioned services that can be offered to the community but most likely you’ll be picking up trash if you don’t do your homework to try to invest your time in something meaningful. It is however important that the convicted offenders adhere to the instructions given by the court. You should show a high level of discipline, punctuality and commitment during this period.


About Guest Contributor:

Christopher J McCann is a Criminal Defense and DUI Attorney serving Southern California, including Orange County and Los Angeles County. Mr. McCann experience is around DUI criminal defense topics and he has contributed to several online media publications.

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