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How to Expunge Your DUI Record in California CA

How to Expunge Your DUI Record in California CA

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Guest post columnist: Christopher J McCann a Santa Ana criminal defense and Orange County DUI Lawyer

With the economic downturn, many people have lost their jobs and are seeking for better employment. As the number of job applicants increase, company standards get higher. They want employees with impressive education and career background. Not only that, they also do a thorough background check on each applicant’s criminal records. Once applicants are discovered to have had a DUI conviction, their chances of getting hired become slim. Now, more and more people are looking to expunging their DUI conviction record in the hope of better employment prospects.

The California Expungement Law, as provided by the California Penal Code 1203.4 PC, gives anyone a chance to expunge their DUI record in California CA. With the assistance and representation of a California DUI attorney, anyone’s DUI record can be expunged provided that he meets the following requirements:

1. He shows that he was put on probation and that he has completed the probation successfully.

2. To successfully complete the probation, terms of the probation must be followed. This includes paying all the fines and restitution, completing all the counseling programs recommended and doing community service.

3. The person should also attend all the mandatory court appearances, either personally or through his chosen California DUI attorney.

4. The person must not commit any crimes while he is still on probation.

The process of expungement will require the assistance of an attorney.

The attorney will help you:

* analyze your case and determine whether you are truly eligible for the relief

* file all the necessary paperwork within the right timeframe, and

* make an appearance in the case hearing in the chosen court.

With the help of a good California defense lawyer, it is possible that the expungement process can be expedited. This can be done by having a lawyer who can package several motions into just one.

The lawyer could file a motion asking the court to:

* Grant you an early probation termination,

* Reduce felony to a mere misdemeanor, and

* Expunge your DUI conviction

Perhaps the greatest benefit that one can gain from expunging a DUI conviction is the possibility of more job options and choices. Not all companies run a background check on their applicants. However, if they do and they discovered an applicant with an expunged DUI conviction, the applicant legally must still get the same chances of employment as applicants without criminal records. The purpose of getting a DUI conviction expunged is for the person to start afresh, in life and in employment.

Once one has obtained a California expungement, one can rightfully answer NO when asked if he has a criminal record.

However, there are three exceptions to this:

1. If you are applying for a state license.

2. If you are planning to get a job at the California Lottery Commission, or

3. If you are running for public office or plan to work as a peace officer.

It is also important to note that getting a DUI expunged does NOT prevent it from being used as a prior DUI conviction for 10 years, and subjecting one to additional punishment.

While having a DUI conviction in your criminal history may not be as grave, many companies may use this information to define you as a person.

By expunging your DUI conviction in California, you will get a fair chance at a better life and employment opportunities.

About Guest Post Author: 

Christopher J. McCann is an Orange County DUI Lawyer. McCann is a practicing criminal defense attorney Santa Ana at the law offices of Christopher J. McCann who was recently awarded his 6th SuperLawyers Magazine “Rising Star” award. You can follow Chris tweets at @cjm_law_firm or posts at Orange County DUI Lawyers Blog

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