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How to Obtain a Police Report in Los Angeles

How to Obtain a Police Report in Los Angeles

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Attorney Christopher J McCannIf you live in Los Angeles and you need a police report, then you need to request it from the Records and Identification division at LAPD. For you to receive this report, you must be a victim of the crime, a lawyer to the victim or an insurance agent. The following are steps on how to obtain a police report in Los Angeles.

The first step involves presenting yourself to Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) or going through their website to determine the procedure for applying a police report. If you choose to visit LAPD, you will be required to fill an application form in room p1-137. It is important to note that there is a fee you will pay for the police report which is around $16.

If you want to get the results by mail, you will be required to submit your fingerprints in a fingerprints card. The card should contain your personal data, mailing address and a zip code. You should also include a letter requesting for the arrest summary. Another item that must be contained in your mail is a money order or a check payable to LAPD for $16.00.

If the criminal record that you want to acquire originated from a misdemeanor or a DUI, LAPD will direct you to the traffic court or will advise you to contact DUI Disposition Section which can be reached at 213-744-4022.

If you have been arrested by a number of policemen coming from different jurisdictions, LAPD may direct you to request the police report from California department of Justice rather than requesting arrest summaries from all the police stations where you had been arrested. The mail to
LAPD should be sent to the following address:
The Watch Commander,
P.O. BOX 30158,
Los Angeles, CA 90030.

About Guest Post Author:

If you need help in obtaining a police report or if you are facing a criminal charge, it would be good to have an experienced attorney to give you proper directions. Having served as a Los Angeles criminal lawyer in California for many years, Christopher J McCann will be very willing to review your case and helping in Fighting A DUI in California.

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