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How to Prepare for Your San Diego Child Abuse Central Index (CACI) Grievance Hearing

How to Prepare for Your San Diego Child Abuse Central Index (CACI) Grievance Hearing

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If you have received a letter from San Diego local government notifying you that your name will be placed on California’s Child Abuse Central Index (CACI), your first reaction may have been worry.  It may have been outrage.  It may have been anger.  It may have been fear.  But sooner or later your attitude turned to one of getting to work fighting the injustice about to befall you.

Talk to a San Diego Child Abuse Central Index Attorney

You do not want to show up at the San Diego CACI Grievance Hearing unprepared.  Why fight a battle without shield and sword?  You must first gather all your evidence, locate all your witnesses, and develop a strategy in order to present a strong and convincing case to the CACI Hearing Officer.  If you fail to prepare for your hearing, you might as well not fight your case at all.

There are all types of evidence you can present at the hearing.  The idea is to hit on the critical issues that the San Diego Grievance Hearing Officer may think are important.  You will want to present your evidence either by way of documents (such as letters, certificates, evaluations, grades, etc.) or oral testimony (from friends, family members, neighbors, witnesses, therapists, teachers, etc.).  If you have witnesses testify, they might testify about any of the following topics:

–          You are a careful and attentive parent

–          You are patient, mild-mannered, and slow to anger

–          You are organized, objective, goal-oriented

–          You have learned from your mistakes and continually learning how to improve your parenting skills

–          You regret any questionable parenting decisions you may have exhibited in the past

–          The “victimized” child is difficult to parent, and you are doing as well as anyone possibly could

–          You have learned or are learning how to handle stress

–          You have taken any negative influences out of your life and your child’s life and replaced them with positive influences

–          Any negative consequences that would affect you or your family in the event your name is placed on the Child Abuse Central Index

An Experienced San Diego CACI Lawyer Can Help

These are just some ideas for you to think about.  The topics you include in your defense will depend on the facts of your case and your strategy.  You would be wise to consult a San Diego CACI lawyer who has a proven track record of success in San Diego CACI Grievance Hearings.  Attorney Lounsbery has helped many of his clients keep their names off the list.  To see how he can help you, call him at 619-894-7340 or go to his website.

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