A jail sentence of 180 days can seem like a long and harsh sentence to a defendant in a criminal case. Years ago a criminal defendant was required to complete 2/3 of their jail sentence. With realignment and new laws on criminal sentencing guidelines, a 180 day jail sentence can mean different things in different counties. For example, it is not unusual for a defendant to do 10% or less in L.A. County jails. In Orange, Riverside and Ventura County a 180 day sentence may mean 90 actual days in custody. The actual sentence may depend on a number of factors, including the type of offense, criminal history and current housing conditions in the respective jail.
For more information on criminal sentencing contact the Law Offices of Errol Cook at southerncaliforniacriminalattorney.com
The Valuable Role of Lawyers in Health Insurance Disputes
I. The Role of Lawyers in Health Insurance Disputes Health insurance disputes often arise from misunderstandings about coverage, provider networks, and the intricacies of insurance policy language. You may find yourself in a situation where