Become a legal blog contributor

Are you a California lawyer committed to providing free legal information to the public? Are you willing to showcase your legal expertise and offer your services to those who need it? Then come be a part of The Flock by becoming a legal blog contributor! We welcome California lawyers specializing in EVERY area of practice!

Still unsure why you should become a legal blog contributor for The Flock? Continue reading below to see the benefits of becoming a legal blog contributor!

It’s important to note that while our blog was created by California lawyers, it has grown to include lawyer’s and companies across the United States. If you’re a licensed attorney located outside of California or if you work for a company that works in the legal field, you’re more than welcome to submit any relevant article for us to publish!

If you’re ready to be a part of The Flock, please fill out the following form.

When uploading your headshot, we recommend uploading a picture that’s at least 500 px in width.

Why Join The Flock?

It's Absolutely free! There's no cost!

Unlike other platforms, there is no fee attached to our blog. We believe in providing free legal information to the public while also promoting our contributors and their services at no cost at all - EVER.

People will read your content!

People will read it! Our blog is content-heavy, which is why we get a lot of traffic, so your content will gain a lot of exposure! After all, if you're going to write something, you want people to read it.

Get potential new clients!

Any blogpost you write will feature your picture, a brief bio, and links to your contact information. Additionally, you will be added to our directory of California lawyers. Readers looking for an attorney will have direct access to your information!

Are there any restrictions?

No Pricing can be published

We ask that all contributors refrain from publishing prices in any article posted on The Flock. This is to avoid attorneys undercutting each other. You can, however, direct our readers to your website via a link. Your author profile will also include your contact information so our readers can reach you directly.

No bashing other lawyers

We welcome different viewpoints and if a contributor disagrees with a post or a position taken by another lawyer, they are free to post their own personal point of view. However, we do not allow contributors to attack each other, make claims that they are better than one another, or claim the other doesn't know what they're doing, etc.

You must write your own posts

Only articles written by the lawyer will be attributed to the lawyer. For the blogpost to be published in your name, it needs to be written by you. If the post is written by a third party such as a ghost writer, DUI school, bail bonds employee, IID employee, rehab employee, we can still publish the post, but it will be published under "admin" or under the name of the company.

Join Today!

If you’re ready to become a legal blog contributor for The Flock, please fill out the following form.

When uploading your headshot, we recommend uploading a picture that’s at least 500 px in width.

Once we receive your submission,  you will be contacted with further information.

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Law Offices of Mark A. Gallagher

Whether it’s a DUI, domestic violence, suspended license, traffic tickets, or any other criminal matter, the Law Offices of Mark A. Gallagher can help. Schedule your FREE consultation below or call us at 800-797-8406. For more information, visit