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Lindsay Lohan Completely….

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Finished with her community service!  You are probably looking for Lindsay Lohan’s nude (or at least partial nude) photo spread from Playboy which has been leaked online today.   But we are a blog for California lawyers so we aren’t going to feature the playboy pictures here, you will have to go to TMZ or elsewhere on the web for that.

But seriously people, this is big news, Lindsay Lohan has actually done her community service!  After years of ignoring the orders of the Beverly Hills Superior Court, it appears Lindsay Lohan has actually learned something this time around and done what the judge told her to do.    Lindsay and her attorney have a progress review hearing next week in front of Judge Sautner but according to a report on Access Hollywood, Lindsay is ahead of schedule!

If you are more like the old Lindsay Lohan then the new, “pose for playboy and get my stuff done on time because I’m classy” Lindsay Lohan, you could be facing the wrath of the Los Angeles Court system for a probation violation.   If you have a warrant from an old case, don’t wait to get arrested and sentenced, contact a qualified California criminal defense lawyer today.   Even though LA county jails are extremely crowded and early release is common, going in even for a day or two is more than you want to do.    The people who claim that jail is not a deterrent due to early release and overcrowding in LA have clearly never been inside the LA county jail.

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