List of Traffic Fines In California

List of Traffic Fines In California

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Attorney Christopher J McCannGuest Post By: Christopher J McCann an Orange County DUI Lawyer Shares his Compiled List Of Traffic Fines In California

Getting a traffic violation for any reason more times than not is a nuisance. Most traffic violations are for temporary lapses of judgment that the driver knows they should not do, but just forget what the laws in California are. Speeding, listening to music on headphones, talking on the cell phone are just a few of the unlawful distractions that face motorists. Here is a list of these offenses along with the traffic fines in California that can be expected.

Driving While Texting or on a Cell phone
Laws are passed every year raising the fines but in 2008 a first offense will cost $148 and goes up from there if fined successively.

Red light runner
If not making a complete stop and turning right on a red light will get you this ticket as well as just going through a red light. Currently the fine is $436 plus court costs.

Listening to music with headphones distracts from driving and offers a $178 fine for this distraction.

Speeding fines
These type fines are variable because it is dependent upon how many miles over the posted speed limit were measured. Minimum fines however start at $214 and only go up from there.

Parking Spot violation
It may be convenient to use a handicapped zone to park for 1 minute but if ticketed could run up to $976 and more if a second offense is logged.

Getting ticketed for any type of traffic citations can be disastrous financially if not properly defended. Being ticketed for a traffic violation in Orange County, Los Angeles will require an experienced attorney so that the penalty can be less severe as just paying the ticket without a defense.

Guest Post Author: 

Post provided by an experienced CA traffic law attorney, Christopher J. McCann, who knows how to defend a person in court. Without an experienced attorney, the full brunt of the law may be levied to the violator. Follow his two active California traffic law blogs that cover things like penal code 23152 to OC DUI Check points at To posts like interlock device reviews      & scram bracelet cost at Feel free to follow his tweets at @CJM_Law_Firm and reach out to Chris for a free consultation to review your ticket or criminal arrest in OC or LA.

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