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Pre-Trial Motions

Pre-Trial Motions

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Common Pre-Trial Motions by Defense Attorneys
After arraignment, pre-trial and motions comes the time for trial. Most defendants are very confused about what happens before trial. One of the most important things a defense attorney can do is file “Pre-Trial” motions. These are motions that are filed before the jury is sworn to ensure a smooth running trial. For example, the defense attorney may ask the court to admonish the prosecutor and the police from referring to the “victim” as the “victim” as it assumes a crime has occurred. In most cases only a defendant’s guilty plea or a jury’s finding of guilt can legally confer the label of “victim.” Another pre-trial motion that defense counsel may ask the court to consider is to admonish the prosecutor from discrediting the defense counsel.
Contact the Law Offices of Errol Cook today at 877-737-2004.

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