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Pro Bono Attorneys In Los Angeles CA

Pro Bono Attorneys In Los Angeles CA

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Benefits Of Hiring A Pro Bono Attorney In Los Angeles

If you have been charged with a crime or need legal representation for whatever reason and simply cannot afford it, there are a number of options you still have to retain representation. If you have been charged with a crime and you satisfy the requirements set forth by the courts, the court can appoint a public defender or public defense attorney to handle your case.

However, in some cases, such as with civil matters or high profile criminal cases, you may wish to seek representation by one of many pro bono attorneys in Los Angeles. There are a number of law firms within the greater Los Angeles area, as well as individual licensed attorneys that will work on a pro bono basis, meaning they will not charge you for their services or work at a greatly reduced rate.

Within the legal community there are a number of reasons why firms and individual attorneys choose to work on a pro bono basis. One such reason is that it offers the attorneys a way to provide much needed services to the community and represent people who may not be able to afford their services regularly. In these cases, by choosing pro bono attorneys in Los Angeles, you can receive free assistance with your legal matter and the firm and individual attorney gets the satisfaction and goodwill benefit of helping out the community.

Additionally, as mentioned before in high profile cases where you could face lifetime incarceration or prison time, it can be wise to find pro bono attorneys in Los Angeles to work with you. In high profile cases, you will need excellent legal representation and often times a pro bono attorney will have much more experience and resources than a public defender who may have just graduated from law school. By representing a client in a high profile case, the attorney will often times gain a lot of notoriety and it can greatly impact his or her career, so it is in their best interest to provide the best legal representation and make sure that you win your case.

Finally, one last area in which pro bono attorneys in Los Angeles often provide assistance is through working with nonprofit organizations helping them with a variety of legal matters. For nonprofit organizations, who have limited funds and often times provide much needed services to the community themselves, receiving free legal assistance is crucial. And there are a number of areas in which non-profit organizations require basic legal help, in the areas of tax law to employment law matters. Through working with pro bono attorneys in Los Angeles, nonprofit organizations are able to save a signification amount on legal fees, and still get excellent legal representation and consultations on their various matters. Not to mention, many nonprofit organizations will recognize the assistance and help an individual attorney or firm provides, at various functions and mailings the nonprofit sends out to its members.

In conclusion, if you are faced with needed legal representation you should be aware of the many free and discounted options you have available to you. At the very least, you should contact your local American Bar Association (ABA) to get a list of pro bono attorneys in Los Angeles, that maybe of assistance to you.

Pro Bono Resource List:

Here is a helpful list of websites and associations that I’ve collected to help you find Pro Bono attorneys in Los Angeles, CA.

– How to find Pro Bono Lawyers in Orange County CA & free legal advice Orange County

– Complete List of Los Angles Lawyer Referral Service & Orange County Lawyer Referral Service

About Guest Post Author: 

Christopher J. McCann is a San Clemente DUI lawyer. Mr. McCann offers one complimentary criminal defense consultation for free legal advice Los Angeles at the law offices of Christopher J.  Mr. McCann . You can follow Chris tweets at @cjm_law_firm or blogs at


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