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Prostitution/Solicitation Defense

Prostitution/Solicitation Defense

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Prostitution and Solicitation arrests are on the increase.  Due to the increase in popularity of the internet, undercover police officers are now targeting “Erotic Services” websites to make their arrests.  Prostitution is one of the oldest professions in the history of civilization.  Some states and counties turn a blind eye towards it, while other counties and cities vigorously pursue criminal charges by setting up undercover stings through the internet.

Many individuals arrested for prostitution related offenses plead guilty due to fear of public shame, humiliation or lack of resources to hire a competent and effective defense attorney.  Prostitution and solicitation convictions are generally considered crimes of moral turpitude and can cause problems in the job market.

For more information on prostitution defenses contact Attorney Errol Cook at 562-209-1114 or visit his website at

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