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SR22 Insurance: When should a Driver Obtain SR22 Insurance after a DUI?

SR22 Insurance: When should a Driver Obtain SR22 Insurance after a DUI?

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Breathe Easy Insurance Solutions is an independent agency that specializes in DUI/SR22 insurance. We are frequently asked, “When is the best time to file an SR22?” Our response-it depends what our client wants to achieve. Do they want their restricted license as soon as possible? How much money do they want to save? There is no set date. As we know, they are eligible for a restricted license thirty days after their suspension. However, if a driver wants to save the most money possible while getting their license back they should file an SR22 before the APS hearing or on the day they lose the APS hearing. This way they will be purchasing an SR22 certificate with a clean driving record. No suspension will appear on their MVR (motor vehicle report).

We understand an attorney telling their client they will need an SR22 before they are retained or have their APS hearing can give the impression they are conceding or throwing in the towel. We advise our clients to be proactive, not reactive when dealing with their insurance after a DUI. Filing an SR22 in a strategic manner with a proper DUI insurance program will save thousands of dollars over the three year probation period. Not to mention, if a driver purchases an SR22 with a clean driving record they will save around $200-$500 dollars on the SR22 itself.

Our SR22 insurance program has a no hassle, hundred percent refund if our client does not need an SR22. This allows us to give our clients a no risk option when purchasing the SR22 before their APS hearing. This approach allows us to facilitate our clients, while preventing their current carrier from initially raising their current premium.

Our strategy involves attaching an SR22 to a liability policy in conjunction with their current policy. Essentially, they are going to have two policies. The first policy, their current policy is already in place, and is going to continue to cover their vehicle and liability. The second policy, is written by us, and is used to satisfy the DMV with an SR22 filing. Remember, auto insurance premiums are based on: age, zip code, vehicle type and driving record. We want our customers to get every advantage possible within DMV mandates and insurance code. This is why filing the SR-22 when you are facing a suspension, not already suspended, saves our clients the most money possible.

We are still able to file an SR22 after the APS hearing for our clients. We just try to give our clients as many options as possible.

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