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How to get your ex to pay for your divorce lawyer

Family Code Section 2030 Family Code Section 2030 is a law that lets your ex pay for your attorney durig the divorce. The purpose of this law is fairness so that both spouses can be represented by an attorney. Just because you cannot afford an attorney doesn’t mean you should be left out and hung […]

What is an Ex Parte Custody Order?

Ex Parte Custody Order An ex parte custody order is an emergency court order. It’s when one parent goes to court and only gives the other parent 24 hours notice that they are going to court. Someone typically wants an ex parte order to fix an emergency happening involving the child and they want that […]

Joint Custody Schedules

Joint custody schedules are the most common form of parenting arrangements. Courts have now recognized that it is in the best interest of the child to award significant visitation time with both parents. But just because there is joint custody doesn’t mean that parents equally share the time. The following are some examples: 50-50 custody […]

Family Code Section 4320-Part II

How is Alimony Calculated? People thinking about getting a divorce often wonder how alimony is calculated. The way courts calculate alimony is given to us in Family Code Section 4320. There is a list of fourteen factors that the family law judge will look at to determine your alimony payments. Yesterday I covered the first […]

How to Get Your Criminal Threats Charges Dismissed in California

Criminal threats is a crime codified as Penal Code (PC) section 422.  It is a very serious crime that must be taken seriously by everyone involved: you, your attorney, the judge, and the prosecutors. A couple weeks ago the Monterey County District Attorney’s office dismissed charges of Criminal Threats against a fellow who went on […]

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