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DUI Lawyer: Can I Get a DUI Without My BAC Above .08

I received a phone call the other day from a frantic client who had just received their first DUI.  After discussing the facts of the case with the client, I was asked if we could prove that their Blood Alcohol Level (BAC) was under a 0.08%, if the case would be dismissed.  I said “no”.  […]

DUI Classes, What Do They All Mean?

Getting a “Driving Under the Influence” charge (DUI) can be pretty darn scary (here is a link with helpful information from the DMV on what to do if you get a DUI:  Going to court to take care of the charge can be even scarier.  You meet with the DA and they inform you that […]

What is Cal Vehicle Code 23152?

Guest Post Columnist: Christopher J McCann an Orange County criminal defense DUI lawyer So what does this code refer to? Cal vehicle code 23152 states it is completely illegal for anyone that is under the influence of drugs or alcohol or both to drive any vehicle. This is based on it being illegal for any […]

Losing Your Job over a DUI Conviction

DUI and your JOB A DUI conviction may cause you problems getting a job or keeping a job, especially if your job requires you to drive, administer medications or be bonded. I’ve had several clients come to me to get their guilty pleas withdrawn after pleading guilty with someone else. Pleading guilty to a first […]

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Law Offices of Mark A. Gallagher

Whether it’s a DUI, domestic violence, suspended license, traffic tickets, or any other criminal matter, the Law Offices of Mark A. Gallagher can help. Schedule your FREE consultation below or call us at 800-797-8406. For more information, visit

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