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How to get your ex to pay for your divorce lawyer

Family Code Section 2030 Family Code Section 2030 is a law that lets your ex pay for your attorney durig the divorce. The purpose of this law is fairness so that both spouses can be represented by an attorney. Just because you cannot afford an attorney doesn’t mean you should be left out and hung […]

Special education due process hearing

What happens when you have your IEP meeting and the school doesn’t give your child what you want? Do you give up or is there way to fight their decision? The answer is yes, you can fight their decision. You can take it to a due process hearing. This hearing is basically a trial where […]

How to Prepare for an IEP Meeting

Studies have shown that one in six children are diagnosed with a developmental disability. IEP meetings are the only way to get the special accommodations needed so that your child can have a proper education. Failing to prepare for these meetings can disqualify you from having important accommodations and services. Here is a typical IEP meeting checklist followed […]

Who Can Serve a Restraining Order?

Who Can Serve a Restraining Order? Anybody can serve a restraining order as long as it is not the person who filed for it. If you filed for a restraining order you must get somebody other than yourself to serve it, period. Typically people either get two types of servers to serve the restraining order: […]

Joint Custody Schedules

Joint custody schedules are the most common form of parenting arrangements. Courts have now recognized that it is in the best interest of the child to award significant visitation time with both parents. But just because there is joint custody doesn’t mean that parents equally share the time. The following are some examples: 50-50 custody […]

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