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DUI Lawyer: Field Sobriety Tests (FST)

Field Sobriety Tests can be a little scary and chances are, whether you have ever been pulled over for a DUI or not, you know about the Field Sobriety Tests (FST’s).   Field Sobriety Tests are used by law enforcement to determine whether a subject’s blood alcohol level is below or above the legal limit.  While […]

Top 10 Invalid Police Officer Field Sobriety Test Mistakes

By Christopher J McCann a DUI attorney in Orange County, California So you’re driving or busy on some other duties and the police officer wants to perform some field sobriety tests to establish how fit you are for the activity. You are worried on your fate due to the mistakes that the field sobriety test […]

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Law Offices of Mark A. Gallagher

Whether it’s a DUI, domestic violence, suspended license, traffic tickets, or any other criminal matter, the Law Offices of Mark A. Gallagher can help. Schedule your FREE consultation below or call us at 800-797-8406. For more information, visit

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