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GC Services Will Screw You Over, Don’t Pay Them on Your Traffic Ticket

gc services

GC Services Overview GC Services is a collections agency that collects on unpaid traffic tickets for the Los Angeles County Superior Court. As a Los Angeles traffic ticket attorney, I’ve helped thousands of drivers get their driver’s license back, without paying GC Services. It all starts with education. (***Note: this blog post applies only to […]

6 Situations Where You can Beat a DUI Charge

6 Situations Where You can Beat a DUI Charge If you get arrested with a DUI charge, chances are that you will loose your driver’s license. The situation will have a devastating impact on you. Questions like what to do next, whom to consult, what are my options and what about my insurance, are sure […]

VC 12500(a) Driving without a license in California

The Basics of VC 12500 California Vehicle Code Section 12500 or VC 12500(a) requires you to have a valid license to drive a car in California.  Seems simple enough right? You gotta have a license to drive, everyone knows that by the time they are old enough to drive.   No license? Pulled over? You […]

Torrance DUI Checkpoints

Torrance police officers are in full force this holiday season.  They are especially on the lookout for suspected drunk drivers.  Many parts of Torrance, Redondo Beach and Manhattan Beach are magnets for drunk drivers due to the high number of bars in the area.  Many officers that are on the DUI task force will wait […]

Adolescent Brain Development as a Defense

Can an adolescent’s brain development or lack thereof be a defense? Three general differences between juveniles under 18 and adults demonstrate that juvenile offenders cannot reliabl be classified among the worst offenders.  First, any parent knows…juveniles lack maturity and have an underdeveolped sense of responsibility much more so than adults.  Moreover, juveniles are overrepresented statistically […]

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Law Offices of Mark A. Gallagher

Whether it’s a DUI, domestic violence, suspended license, traffic tickets, or any other criminal matter, the Law Offices of Mark A. Gallagher can help. Schedule your FREE consultation below or call us at 800-797-8406. For more information, visit

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