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Victorville Red Light Camera Citation Dismissed

Victorville Red Light Camera Citation Dismissed

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The Law Offices of Mark A. Gallagher recently represented a defendant who received a Victorville red light camera citation. The alleged violation occurred at the intersection of Bear Valley Road and Industrial Boulevard. The evidence acquired from discovery showed the yellow light was too short for state standards and therefore this Victorville red light camera citation did not comply with the law. According to California Vehicle Code 21455.7, intersections equipped with red light cameras must satisfy the minimum yellow light interval time set by the Department of Transportation. The designated minimum yellow light time for that intersection is 4.3 seconds. In other words, the yellow light has to be on at least 4.3 seconds.  To determine an accurate duration of the yellow light, I recorded the video of the incident while placing a timer in front of my laptop screen. Next, I analyzed the video frame-by-frame to gauge the length of the yellow light. As you can see from the still-shots of the video and doing simple math (which I explain below), the yellow light was short by at least 0.039 of a second.


Green light at 7.174 seconds.
Dim green light at 7.204 seconds.
Yellow light at 7.236 seconds.
Dim yellow light at 11.435 seconds.
Yellow light gone at 11.465 seconds.


Picture #1 shows the green light at 7.174 seconds.

Next frame of the video, Picture #2 shows a dim green light at 7.204 seconds.

Next frame of the video, Picture #3 shows a yellow light at 7.236 seconds.

Thus, the yellow light first appeared anytime from 7.204 – 7.236. Earliest time the yellow light could have appeared was 7.204 seconds.

Picture #4 shows a dim yellow light at 11.435 seconds.

Next frame, Picture #5 shows the yellow light gone at 11.465 seconds.

Thus, the yellow light was gone anytime from 11.435 – 11.465. Latest time the yellow light could have been gone was 11.465 seconds.

Remember, the law states for this intersection that the yellow light duration must be at least 4.3 seconds. If you subtract the latest time the yellow light could have been gone (11.465) from the earliest time the yellow light could have appeared (7.204), the difference is 4.261 seconds which is .039 of a second shy of 4.3 seconds.

After presenting this evidence, the prosecution agreed to dismiss the citation.

If you need help with your Victorville red light camera citation or you’re seeking other legal advice, feel free to reach me directly at The Law Offices of Mark A. Gallagher: (800) 797 – 8406 and email:

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