Ignition Interlock Device Program California

Introduction to the Ignition Interlock Device Program California An IID is installed on a motor vehicle’s dashboard and acts like a breathalyzer. Prior to the vehicle being started, the driver must first give a breath sample into the device. If the IID detects a breath alcohol level higher than the programmed amount the engine will […]

Flock of Seagulls van stolen in Downey

Flock of Seagulls van stolen in Downey per breaking news reports Flock of Seagulls van stolen in Downey per reports in the LA Times.   You read that right, Flock of Seagulls, the great 80’s band that inspired the name for our blog, Flock of Legals, has just been the victim of a crime in […]

Do They Drug Test at DUI School?

Introduction Every year thousands of drivers are arrested throughout the country for DUI related offenses. If arrested in California, drivers can expect to face strict punishment if convicted of a DUI. Punishments for first time offenders include a short prison sentence in county jail, driver’s license suspension and a substantial fine. For second and third […]

How To Write a DUI Apology Letter

how to write a dui apology letter

How to write a DUI Apology Letter: An Introduction Driving under the influence is a very serious offense that leaves many individuals feeling embarrassment for their actions. Sometimes a well-thought, coherent and eloquent letter can go a long way in earning leniency from the court. The more apologetic and thoughtful a defendant appears the more […]

Drunk Driving Trial California Laws

Introduction Driving under the influence is a serious California offense that can result in a prison sentence, driver’s license suspension, probation, fines and more. Aside from the court-imposed punishments, a DUI conviction can have a negative impact on the defendant’s ability to find a job or attend college. Consequently, should you find yourself facing a […]

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Law Offices of Mark A. Gallagher

Whether it’s a DUI, domestic violence, suspended license, traffic tickets, or any other criminal matter, the Law Offices of Mark A. Gallagher can help. Schedule your FREE consultation below or call us at 800-797-8406. For more information, visit  www.socaldefenselawyers.com