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Arrested for DUI Now What? Get California DUI Help!

Arrested for DUI Now What? Get California DUI Help!

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What’s next after being arrested for DUI in California? 

If you are arrested for DUI for the first time, you are most likely not going to be jailed. Typically you can only get jailed if you have been arrested multiples of times. The first thing you need to do when you are arrested is to get your car out of impound. This will help you avoid the lot charges that this come with which you will have to pay before you release your car. You need also to contact your DMV to schedule a hearing with in 10 days of your arrest. It is in this hearing where it will be decided if your licence will be suspended or not.

When charged with a DUI in California, you should consider contacting a CA DUI lawyer who will help you deal with things concerning your confidential DUI arrest case. However many people are reluctant in hiring in an attorney, because they may think that the case is not serious. In most situations this is not the case and you can be charged with a very serious offense

Finding California DUI Help

California’s drunk driving laws are one of the strictest states with the most DUI arrests. Which may result in a few months to over a year, or perhaps a duration of unfavorable implications. California drunk driving laws tend to be complex due to all the factors which can be associated with driving under the influence situation. Just how DUI arrest fines are enforced rely on numerous aspects. Somebody with no lawful education as well as experience along with California’s drunk driving laws might not be in a position to completely understand the actual regulations. You could do your own research online, in forums and trust a court appointed legal representative. However it helps to contact a California drunk driving lawyer when you’ve been arrested for a DUI charge to at least evaluate your case with a free consultation for some helpful initial advice. These types of lawyers know how the court system works and have access to professional witnesses, which can assist to defend your side of the case.

The actual criminal fines for any drunk driving conviction within California rely on the details of the arrest, the number of earlier convictions the DUI offender has, along with other conditions.

Guest Post Author

Christopher J. McCann is a Orange County DUI Drug Possession Lawyer. Mr. McCann is also a practicing DMV San Clemente DUI lawyer at the law offices of Christopher J.  Mr. McCann. He can also personally help direct you to an OC Criminal Defense Attorney Referral Service. You can follow Chris tweets at @cjm_law_firm or blog posts at Orange County DUI Law Blog

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