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Bellflower Traffic Court Lawyer Mark A Gallagher

Bellflower Traffic Court Lawyer Mark A Gallagher

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Bellflower Traffic Court Lawyer

Attorney Mark A. GallagherBellflower traffic court handles traffic citations issued in the Bellflower and neighboring cities.   If you were recently cited for a traffic offense and your ticket orders you to appear at the Bellflower courthouse on or before a certain date, you should contact a Bellflower traffic court lawyer today.  With the rising costs of traffic court fines and the risk of license suspension or increased premiums from convictions for moving violations, hiring a Bellflower traffic court lawyer could be a cost effective decision

Situations where you might need a Bellflower Traffic Court Lawyer

Deciding whether or not to hire a lawyer to represent you in Bellflower traffic court on your citation is a personal decision.   But here are some general guidelines to help you decide if it would make sense to hire a Bellflower traffic court lawyer on your case.  If you can answer yes to any of the following questions, you should at least contact a lawyer for a consultation before pleading guilty and paying your fines, or appearing in court to fight your ticket on your own

Benefits of Hiring a Bellflower Traffic court lawyer

Hiring a Bellflower traffic court lawyer will allow your lawyer to appear in court and fight your ticket on your behalf.  In the vast majority of traffic cases, it is not necessary for you to go the courthouse for any of the hearings if you have a lawyer.  This benefit alone can save 2 or 3 trips to the courthouse.  With the traffic in Los Angeles and the long wait times in court, missing 2 or 3 days of work is a major cost.  It may be cheaper to hire a lawyer to fight your case for you than to do it yourself.  An experienced Bellflower traffic court lawyer can also get you the best possible result.  Traffic lawyers know all the best strategies for getting your case dismissed or reduced as low as possible.

If you have a case in the Bellflower traffic court and you are looking for a good lawyer, give me a ring at 800-797-8406 or email me directly at   I offer a free telephone consultation and we can talk about the best plan to dismiss or reduce your ticket at the Bellflower traffic court.


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Law Offices of Mark A. Gallagher

Whether it’s a DUI, domestic violence, suspended license, traffic tickets, or any other criminal matter, the Law Offices of Mark A. Gallagher can help. Schedule your FREE consultation below or call us at 800-797-8406. For more information, visit

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