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Do They Drug Test at DUI School?

Do They Drug Test at DUI School?

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Attorney Christopher J McCannIntroduction

Every year thousands of drivers are arrested throughout the country for DUI related offenses. If arrested in California, drivers can expect to face strict punishment if convicted of a DUI. Punishments for first time offenders include a short prison sentence in county jail, driver’s license suspension and a substantial fine. For second and third time offenders, the punishments are more severe. Having a competent defense attorney to argue on your behalf is crucial to the success of your case. A criminal attorney who is well versed in California’s DUI laws has the knowledge and desire to have your case either dismissed, charges lowered or won in court. If you are looking for a respected and qualified attorney in Orange County, California contact Christopher J McCann for a free consultation today.

Overview of DUI School

One of the most common punishments for a drunk driving offender is successful completion of a DUI school. Often, the court will order a DUI offender to attend a alcohol and drug education program as a condition of his or her parole. Alternatively, completion of a DUI program is a pre-requisite of a plea bargain between your attorney and the prosecutor. There are several types of DUI education programs available depending on the severity of the offense.

First time offenders convicted of a wet reckless must attend a 12-hour DUI education program. A wet reckless is a plea bargain negotiated by your attorney that results in a substantial reduction in potential punishments. During this course, the offender will be subject to lectures by former alcohol and drug addicts. Additionally, the offender might be requested to participate in a group or individual therapy session. First time offenders who did not reach a wet reckless plea bargain or those with a BAC level below .20 must attend a 3-month DUI school. If the first time offender’s BAC was above a .20 then he or she must complete a 9-month DUI program. During the longer programs, the offender will be subject to many drug/alcohol education classes, weekly individual/group therapy classes and lectures with recovering addicts.

Those convicted of a second DUI in a ten-year period must complete an 18-month DUI program. The program consists of 52 hours of group counseling, 12 hours of alcohol/drug education, weekly individual meetings and re-entry monitoring after the completion of the school. Three time offenders attend a 30-month DUI school that includes the same courses as the 18-month DUI school with the addition of more group counseling, community service and a longer re-entry monitoring period.

Do They Drug Test at DUI School?

As a requirement of completing DUI School, offenders are required to remain sober. Consequently, the court reserves the right to hold periodic drug and blood tests to ensure the offender’s sobriety. Failure to remain drug and/or alcohol free can lead to further punishment by the court. It is important to note that an individual attending a private DUI school is not required to take drug test; however, if on probation than the probation officer could require testing.


Completion of a DUI school is often a requirement of an offender’s parole. Consequently, to avoid further punishment for the offense the defendant must complete the program as designated by the court. Having a DUI attorney represent you in court, can make the difference between a 12-hour program and a three or nine-month program.

About Guest Post Author:

Christopher J McCann is a DUI lawyer in California. You can visit my website at to schedule a free consultation or you can also contact me directly. You can also follow me on Twitter at @CJM_Law_Firm.

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