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Los Angeles Traffic Ticket Attorneys

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Los Angeles Traffic Ticket Attorney Mark A. GallagherLos Angeles traffic ticket attorneys face the same problem as everyone else in LA.    It doesn’t matter what you do for a living in Los Angeles, we all end in the same place, on the freeway, sitting in traffic.    How do you get to traffic court in LA? You sit in traffic.  Then to go fight the next ticket in the next LA traffic court? Have some more traffic.  The irony is strong and just when you think you have had enough, there is always a friendly officer willing to drive it home further by pulling me over and issuing me a ticket.   That’s right, I get traffic tickets in LA, while sitting in LA traffic, to get to LA traffic court to fight LA traffic tickets.  Such is the life of Los Angeles traffic ticket attorneys.

So now that I got my venting out of the way, what’s going on out there?   Well for starters, traffic courts are closing all over California.   Almost every county in the California Court system is in the process of closing down courtrooms and even closing down entire court houses.   Could it be that in a post recession world the government is actually shrinking and becoming more efficient in the administration of criminal justice?  I doubt it.   It does seem that they are operating more like a business and less like government.  There is definitely an eye on the bottom line and cuts are being made to courts that are not profitable.   Your courthouse isn’t making money in your small town?  We will just close it!  On the other hand profit centers for the court, such as collections in traffic and DUI court are being streamlined, automated, and fine tuned to yield maximum returns.

The current shake up in Los Angeles traffic court involves the closure of several local courthouses that previously handled traffic tickets.    Anyone who has been to traffic court in Los Angeles can tell you, these places aren’t being closed because they stopped giving out traffic tickets.    EVERY Los Angeles Traffic Court is packed EVERY day.   Lines to see the clerk or judge can often take over an hour.  The traffic clerk’s office will not answer the phone (you only get an automated service that will waste half an hour of your time and frustrate you).   Email, fax, mobile apps, online bill payment, and other technological advances are ignored.   The few employees servicing our traffic courts are over worked and dealing with an angry mob of citizens with unjust traffic court problems.   So what are they doing to fix it? Shut her down!

Over the course of the next week or two, NINE courthouses in Los Angeles are shutting down business on traffic tickets.    Closures are already in place for traffic court in Alhambra and East Los Angeles and over the next week closures will take place in Central Arraignment Court, Huntington Park, Malibu, Pomona, San Pedro, West Los Angeles, and Whittier.   The remaining traffic court in Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Metro Court (Downtown LA), and Long Beach are going to become a complete zoo.   These courts are already overflowing, and things are about to get crazy.    Only time will tell how this will shake out, but if you are headed to traffic court in Los Angeles, get ready for an all day affair.  If you need help sorting through the mess, call Los Angeles Traffic Ticket Attorneys.  I’m here at 800-797-8406 or

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