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Pitfalls of Pro Per (Self) Representation

Pitfalls of Pro Per (Self) Representation

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When facing a criminal matter, you have three options of representation. You can go Pro Per (self representation), hire a private attorney or request that the public defender represent you. When your freedom is at stake, misdemeanors and felonies have potential jail time attached, it is extremely important that you make smart decisions. In addition, each court has different policies and procedures and each judge and district attorney (or city attorney) are unique in their handling of cases. An experienced criminal defense attorney can make the difference between jail time and freedom.
One of the biggest pitfalls of self representation is the lack of knowledge of the specific court procedures. Another issue is that most judges do not think you are serious about the matter because you have not made the responsible decision of having an attorney represent you in the case pending with their court. Also, the public defender handles so many cases at a time and typically doesn’t have the time to give your case the attention it needs.
Criminal matters are serious and if it can make the difference between jail and freedom you should do the smart and responsible thing and hire an attorney to represent you. The Law Offices of Matthew J. Cohen will vigorously defend any criminal matter that you are faced with. Do not try to represent yourself. Call today for a free consultation, (818) 294-1922.

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