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How to get out of a hit and run charge

how to get out of a hit and run charge

How to get out of a hit and run charge – an overview They say the law is a practice but there is no use in recreating the wheel. I hope these tips will help your clients who are facing hit and run claims pending an investigation. If done right, you can get back your […]


An arrest for driving under the influence in California is an expensive and painful process for many California drivers.  There’s the embarrassment of the arrest, the thousands of dollars in fines, the DUI classes you must attend (and pay for), and possible custody time, not to mention the cost of an attorney.  Many people choose […]

DUI in California: Don’t Convict Yourself

Law enforcement agencies across California have been ramping up efforts to enforce drunk driving laws. As an attorney practicing in Indio, CA, I’m always amazed at the sheer number of DUI cases that come through the courthouse. Many people don’t realize how easy it is to reach a BAC of .08. Many more are unaware […]

How to Reduce Your Bail in a Criminal Case

There are a number of ways to get your bail reduced in a criminal case.  Often times the arresting agency will arrest a suspect for a felony.  Bailing out on felony charges can be extremely expensive.  I have often witnessed individuals arrested on felony cases with felony bail set by the arresting agency, only to […]

Undercover Prostitution Stings

Pages like Craiglist and Backpage offer internet users looking for goods or services an easy and convenient way to purchase items and obtain services. However, those individuals looking for “erotic services” need to use caution.  Whether you are looking for an innocent massage or something more, undercover officers are on the lookout for illegal prostitution activities. […]

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