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An arrest for driving under the influence in California is an expensive and painful process for many California drivers.  There’s the embarrassment of the arrest, the thousands of dollars in fines, the DUI classes you must attend (and pay for), and possible custody time, not to mention the cost of an attorney.  Many people choose […]

DUI defenses that work – Don’t Trust the Breathalyzer

Don’t Trust the Breathalyzer I have people call me every day and ask, “If I blew over the limit… can I win my case?”  People just can’t imagine that they could blow over the limit and NOT get a DUI conviction.    The very first step in building a defense in a case with a […]

How to Reduce Your Bail in a Criminal Case

There are a number of ways to get your bail reduced in a criminal case.  Often times the arresting agency will arrest a suspect for a felony.  Bailing out on felony charges can be extremely expensive.  I have often witnessed individuals arrested on felony cases with felony bail set by the arresting agency, only to […]

DUI Classes, What Do They All Mean?

Getting a “Driving Under the Influence” charge (DUI) can be pretty darn scary (here is a link with helpful information from the DMV on what to do if you get a DUI:  Going to court to take care of the charge can be even scarier.  You meet with the DA and they inform you that […]

What’s The Minimum Fine For A DUI In California?

The state of California enforces stiff penalties for those convicted of DUI. These consequences may include loss of driver license, community service, rehab courses, probation, jail time, and fines. People often ask about the minimum fine for DUI in California. The amounts vary according to the number of offense. Here is some basic information regarding […]

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Law Offices of Mark A. Gallagher

Whether it’s a DUI, domestic violence, suspended license, traffic tickets, or any other criminal matter, the Law Offices of Mark A. Gallagher can help. Schedule your FREE consultation below or call us at 800-797-8406. For more information, visit

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