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Westminster Courthouse – Moving in and Out

Westminster Courthouse – Moving in and Out

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Westminster Courthouse and it’s Courtrooms.

Westminster Courthouse has many different functions.  The courthouse handles criminal cases, landlord tenant, civil restraining orders, and traffic cases.  Since I am a criminal defense attorney, I will only talk about the criminal and traffic cases at the Westminster Courthouse.

Westminster Courthouse

Traffic Cases at the Westminster Courthouse.

Traffic cases at the Westminster Courthouses must be set for arraignment.  You must go to the clerk’s office and ask for a date to see the judge. The rules regarding extensions is are that a person may make an extension online or in person.  A Person may make up to two extensions on a case.  When you finally go to see the court, the clerk will most likely send you into Courtroom W7.


Criminal Cases at Westminster Courthouse

Criminal cases at the Westminster Courthouse are divided into misdemeanors and felonies.  The felony courtrooms are W1 and W2. They are on the left side of the courthouse.  It’s important to know which one your case is in.  The judges mean business when they say they want you there at 8:30 so you have to be there in time.  If you do not know which room your case is in then you have to go to the television screen to see where your case is.  If your case is misdeeameanor then your case is most likely on the left side of the courthouse and inside court room W3. Your court date will most likely be an arraignment and you will have a chance to admit or deny your charge at this stage.  If you decide to fight your case and deny your charge then you will have a chance to go to pretrial inside W12 if your case is a misdeameanor or inside W1/W2 if your case is a misdeameanor.  You can more about the Westminster Courthouse at here.



Hieu Vu demonstrates advanced knowledge of procedure and case law. His commitment to his clients is unparalleled. His tenacity and victories in trial are already earning him the respect of his peers outstanding and dedicated trial lawyer who really cares about his clients. Hieu is also very knowledgeable, passionate and an aggressive criminal defense attorney practicing in Orange County and Los Angeles County courts. He is extremely motivated for his clients and is an excellent advocate and excels in the courtroom. He can fight your charge quickly and affordably. You can contact him on his website , or call at 7142516567, or email at

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